Welcome to my blog. Like our organization and our website, this blog is ever evolving. Our viewership has dropped off, perhaps I am too boring, who knows. I will chalk it up to the covid overload. This pandemic has been stressful on all of us. It does not matter what part of the USA that you live in. I have decided that, instead of a weekly posting, I will make this a monthly posting that will be coordinated with the Recipe of the Month. Partly because of diminishing views and a lack of any response in the form of comments and/or questions.
Starting May 2nd, I will announce the recipe of the month, chosen from our, very soon to be released, Cookbook Fundraiser. The recipe will be presented in its entirety, I will prepare it and make my personal comments and invite you to make the same recipe and give us your thoughts. What I will tell you for now is that it will be one of our fabulous gumbo recipes.
So, put it on your calendar, the first Sunday of every month I will be doing this and invite y’all to participate with me.
See you back here, the first Sunday of each month and as always, I invite your comments and questions, even criticism is accepted.
See y’all soon, and like always, do not be afraid to try something new and different.
Enjoy life!